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On the Set
On The SetSorry, no real revelations here -- I was a real lamer with the camera on this trip and missed out getting photos of many "name" people, so this is just friends of mine hacking around on the set and at the production office. This would have been in February or March of 1996.
The soundstage for Drive (originally titled Road to Ruin) was located on the edge of the bustling Kowloon business district, in exotic and beautiful Hong Kong.
Devin O'Leary (left) and screenwriter Scott Phillips hang out in Mark Dacascos' trailer, watching the Walter The Einstein Frog inserts used in the film. (That is one really smart frog!)
The soundstage door. Beyond this point dreams are made and First A.D.'s scream at cowering, underpaid extras.
Inspired by an unplanned visit to the nearby Virgin Megastore (visible at upper right), Devin O'Leary, Pete Waterman, Carlos Batts, and Anthony Trifiletti offer an impromptu performance of their interpretive dance suite Variations On The Cover Of The Beatles' Abbey Road. Next: the Apollo 14 set |
Copyright 2001, Ernie Longmire (sn-lazlo/at/studio-nibble.com) except as noted. Page Updated Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:41 PM |