Studio Nibble : Nibble's

The Southwest Pirate's Guild Archives

Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear!

The SWPG Newsletter

Issue 1
Issue 1
Issue 2, pg 1
Issue 2, pg 1
Issue 2, pg 2
Issue 2, pg 2
Issue 2, pg 3
Issue 2, pg 3
Issue 2, pg 4
Issue 2, pg 4

Rip's Notes From The Field


The Neverending Story...Plus

The Neverending Story was a collaborative serial novel which allowed us to work off some major-league teenage ego juice by portraying ourselves as driving around in expensive cars and fighting our legions of "enemies" -- fictionalized versions of the local cheesebags who ran BBS's we didn't like. Juvenile? Sure. But more fun than a crate full of exploding navel oranges...

  • The Neverending Story
    The one, the only, the original and all-time champeen. Miami Vice with a soundtrack by Sigue Sigue Sputnik. Get sweaty and dangerous.

  • The Level 8 Storyboard
    We bring in some fresh blood and take another crack at it. Not quite the same, but that doesn't mean it wasn't any fun...

Lair Ads

Sketchy, doodly stuff I did for the Lair Of The Beast BBS back in the day.

Groening Swipe
"Life In Hell"
Groening Swipe
Herriman Swipe
"Krazy Kat"
Herriman Swipe

See Also...

Not Dead Yet!

Life breathes still in the old posse.

  • Beastie - The Lair Of The Beast is back online!
  • Cheeks - (;) - When you run the best ISP in the state, you don't have time to throw up a huge fucking web page.
  • Midi Amin - He hates it when you call him that now (I think).
  • Rip - doesn't have a web site, the bum! Or he does and won't tell me.
  • 6 - I never know what to say about Mique.
  • Sorc - Much stuff, with an admin's focus.
  • Synth - .:::::. - Living up to the deeper implications of the term "personal site".
  • Whipsnap Rap - This extract from the Lair Archives paints a clear picture of the Whip we all know is perhaps too strong a word.

Philosophically Similar Links


Countleggers 1-10, especially if you can help get the screen shots converted to GIF files. I think I still have them all around here somewhere, but come on, how the hell am I going to get them off those old Apple ][ disks?

Coming Soon..?

Hating Adam Hudson, Dangerous Knowledge #1: Opening Master Locks, Ditching, and more!

Copyright 1999, Ernie Longmire (Lazlo Nibble). All rights reserved.