Studio Nibble : The Countlegger Archives : Volume 1 << Previous File | Next File >>



:-:=:-:=:    The 300/1200 Baud AE/Catsend Line : How We Did It        :=:-:=:-:
:-:=:-:=:           By:  Thomas Covenant and Col. Hogan               :=:-:=:-:
:-:=:-:=:                                                             :=:-:=:-:
:-:=:-:=:    Sysops of: The Restaurant At The End of the Universe     :=:-:=:-:
:-:=:-:=:                  (201) 277-1273                             :=:-:=:-:

    It is unbelievable the amouny of people that ask us the dreaded question:
       "Do you think I could have a copy of the Log-On System you use?"

   The answer to this question has (and always will be) "NO".  There are 
reasons for this:  In the real world (what with the rip-off software companies)
 this program could be sold for a lot of money (Not a lot, but a significant
amount)...We have put a lot of time into this system, and it doesn't seem right
just to "give" it to somebody who is too lazy to do it themselves! But just
to lessen the requests...This file should help anybody with any moderate amount
of programming skill write the same program.


1) An Apple-Cat modem with a 212 upgrade and a firmware chip.
2) A thorough knowledge of Applesoft Basic.
3) An IQ larger than your hat size.
4) An Apple computer (sounds obvious, but some people!)

    Ok....Now on with the show!!!!

First you must have a thorough knowledge of text files, I did not when I 
started the quest to write this program, but by the time we had finished I did!
If you do not know about text files, do not attempt to write this program until
you do.   I do not intend to make this an Applesoft tutorial, I will simply
supply the nessesary pokes to write such a program.
   Ok, the first thing you must do is set up a routine to answer the phone.
To do this, reset the firmware with a poke 2042,0...then do the following loop.

    10 Print D$;"IN#2"
    20 GET A$:IF A$= CHR$(13) THEN GOTO 60
    30 PRINT A$
    40 PRINT D$;"IN#0"
    50 GOTO 10

      What this routine does (for those of you melon-heads who can't figure it 
out), is it looks at the modem and gets a character, if the character is a 
Return (which the modem sends when it answers), it will jump to the next part,
if not, it prints it,deactivates the modem and does it again. Now to check for
the baud rate:

    60 IF PEEK (1658)<128 THEN POKE 1658,PEEK (1658)+128
    70 IF PEEK (1658)=244 THEN B=5:GOTO 90
    80 B=4

      Ok mushmouths, this simply looks at the baud and sets a variable. This
variable does come into play later, so be sure nopt to screw it up!

      Now you go through the whole log-on process, I do not intend to teach
text files here, I just supply the technical data....learn text files on your
own!!!! I will tell you a couple of things about the log-on however. First, to
read a text file (in the sense of print it on the screen):

     100 GET A$:?A$;A$;:GOTO 100

      Second, You must always do the following to get input from the user 
(Thanx the the Cat Master of The Firehouse 10 Meg AE/BBS at 201-347-7325 for
the routine!):

    200 ?"ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT #";:TT$="":LN=3:GOSUB 1000

     This sets up two variables needed in the input routine which follows:

    1000 ?D$;"PR#2"
    1010 ?"--->";
    1020 IF PEEK (1658) < 128 THEN GOTO 1050
    1030 GET A$
    1040 IF PEEK (1658) > 128 THEN GOTO 1060
    1050 ?D$;"IN#0":?D$;"PR#0":RUN
    1060 A=ASC(A$)
    1070 IF A<31 AND A <> 13 AND A <> 8 THEN GOTO 1020
    1080 IF A$=CHR$(8) AND LEN (TT$)=1 THEN TT$="":? A$;" ";A$;:GOTO 1000
    1090 IF A$=CHR$(8) AND LEN (TT$) > 0 THEN ? A$;" "A$;:TT$=LEFT$(TT$,LEN(TT$
         )-1): GOTO 1020
    1110 IF A<20 THEN 1020
    1120 IF LEN (TT$) > LN THEN ? CHR$(7);:GOTO 1020
    1130 ? A$;
    1140 TT$=TT$+A$
    1680 GOTO 1020

      This may look complex to the many people reading this file that use Tidy
Bowl as a mouthwash, but for the rest of you this should be easy to understand!
(Yeah right..."There he goes again, assuming we know more than we do"). All
this does is: Looks for a carrier--If there isn't one, hang up! Get a character
and Look for the carrier again.  Check out a few things about that character 
(is it a control character besides Return and Back-space? Is the String already
too long?? A few other things). Add the Caracter to the string, and go back to
the beginning! Easy, huh?

      Ok, enough pussyfooting around...Now to the juicy part.."How to Run AE or
Catsend??????" First, you must obtain the modified versions of these programs
that are floating around. After that it's easy: if they want AE:

      2000 POKE 1146,39:POKE 1274,99:POKE 1402,1:POKE 1530,5:POKE 1786,0:POKE
           1914,1LPOKE 1042,1:POKE 1658,B:POKE 248,PEEK(27):POKE 255,PEEK(27)
      2010 ?D$;"BRUN AE"

        Don't ask me what the pokes do!!! Now id the want Catsend:

      2020 ****** SEE BELOW *******
      2030 POKE -16255,1:?D$;"BRUN CATSEND"

      **** There are many different versions of catsend around, you must ask 
and find out what pokes you need. the Poke -16255,1 deactivates the 212 card,
otherwise Catsend will not work!

      And that's that!!! If you still cannot do it, don't blame me, I've done
my best!

:-:=:-:=:-:   Written by Thomas Covenant on 03/14/85....who cares?  :-:=:-:=:-:
:-:=:-:=:-:   Call (201) 277-1273 and get yourself a password!!!    :-:=:-:=:-:
